Here’s how to write about travelling on a CV:
- If you travelled for an extended period of time (a few months to a year or more), add your travel experience to your work experience section.
- If you travelled for a short period of time, discuss travelling in your hobbies and interests section.
If you travelled for an extended period of time, directly mention what you were doing during your travels to avoid including a large gap when you make a CV. Rename your work experience section ‘Other Experience’ or ‘Relevant Experience’ and include any self-development, volunteer, or work experiences you had while travelling, such as:
- teaching
- travel blogging (which highlights your writing, photography, and social media management skills)
- online freelance work
- volunteer work (e.g., building homes, feeding the homeless, childcare)
- language learning
Only discuss your travel experiences and skills relevant to the position you’re applying for. Here’s an example of how to write about travelling on a CV:
If you travelled for a short period of time, add more detail to ‘travelling’ in your hobbies and interests section, like the applicant does below: