To write a cover letter stating you’re willing to relocate, convey your intentions in your cover letter without shifting the focus away from your strengths and achievements.
Start your relocation cover letter as you would a conventional cover letter — with a short, professional introduction that says:
- who you are
- which job you’re applying for
- what sets you apart from other applicants
You can then mention your intention to relocate.
When talking about relocating for a job in your cover letter, be sure to explain why you’re relocating.
Giving a clear explanation for your relocation plans reassures the employer that you’re serious about moving for the job — and that it’s worth their time to interview you.
Some convincing reasons for relocating include:
- certain life situations (e.g. moving for a spouse, to be closer to your family)
- eagerness to work in a local industry or market
- more local opportunities for career advancement
- a long-standing interest in the local culture or area
Lastly, you should use assertive language to emphasise your commitment to the move. If you write confidently, the employer will take you more seriously:
Don't use 'consider' or similarly uncertain language to describe your move:
‘I would consider relocating for this position if I were to receive an offer.’
Show that you're ready to relocate when given the opportunity:
‘I plan to relocate ahead of time if offered this position.’